Saturday 6 October 2012

It has begun!

Well, people; we survived registration days and got our kids all signed up. And now, we have begun! I know how you parents love to keep updated and see pics of your littles, so we thought that a blog might make that the easiest way to do just that! We run Mondays and Wednesdays for gymnastics and have Ward School of Dance coming in on Tuesdays. All this occurs locally right in the Seba Beach School! (Huge thanks to Mr. Ram for making that happen!)
So, here are some pics of our first few classes, taken Wednesday, October 3rd by Troy Jones. (Thanks, Troy!) We will add pics as we are able, but hope that you enjoy this first glimpse.
We start every class with a stretch. Even in our backs.
Which leads to this! Work those bridges!
Go Nolan!
A little help from the coach.
And we warm up around the gym.
Then we practice our forward rolls, log rolls, prone falls, and all that good stuff!
We also work on arm strength. We'll need it later!
And balance. Awesome, Paige!
I love the supportive glances the gymnasts give each other...
Especially, the sympathy given from siblings when we fall, LOL!(Not quite supportive, there, Draiven!)
We are learning animal walks...
Monkey stands, which lead to...
Handstands! Don't these sisters make them look easy? Way to go, girls!
Alright, Pryde! We add games like leap frog to practice skills.
When we learn a skill, we make it tougher.
Nothing like the satisfaction of working hard at a skill...
And accomplishing it!
Feels pretty good, doesn't it, Jason?
We have to really work on our centre splits if we want the coaches to buy us an ice cream. Gotta beat Coach Telly!
A high five from the coach, and we'll see you next week!
Thank you to all of our gymnasts, parents, and supporters. We appreciate your support while we work out the bugs in the program and find our groove as coaches. It is going to be a great year!